Starting Out



  • 10 hours per month
  • 1 X Virtual Assistant
  • 1 X Dedicated Project Coordinator

Needing Help



  • 32 hours per month
  • 1 X Virtual Assistant
  • 1 X Dedicated Project Coordinator

Getting Busier



  • 64 hours per month
  • 1 X Virtual Assistant
  • 1 X Dedicated Project Coordinator

Need You Full Time



  • 160 hours per month
  • 1 X Virtual Assistant
  • 1 X Dedicated Project Coordinator

All plans include

  • A dedicated Virtual Assistant
  • Preferred VA – A choice of yours
  • Data Security
  • Email/Chat/Phone Support
  • Back Up Virtual Assistant
  • Support Via Skype, Zoom or Google Meet
  • Email Support provided
  • Dedicated Project Coordinator

Frequently Asked Questions

Is your service available outside of Australia?
We offer our service worldwide, but we only provide virtual assistant services in English language.
What happens after I sign up?
You will be contacted by your assigned project coordinator within 24 hours after you sign up and they will coordinate a dedicated VA who they think will be the best candidate for you depending on your needs.
How do I collaborate with my VA on tasks?
After purchasing the plan you will be assigned a project coordinator and your tasks will be coordinated in a dedicated Asana Workspace, Trello Board or Skype group Chat environment. We will determine with you what is the best suited workspace.
How do I assign my tasks?
You can assign tasks via a dedicated Asana Workspace, Trello Board or Skype group Chat environment.
How quickly will my projects or tasks be completed?
Turnaround time can depend on the complexity and urgency of the project or tasks at hand. Our turnaround time is between 24 to 48 hours to complete most tasks. If your project is time sensitive, the deadline will be agreed upon before the work begins.
Will people know my personal assistant is calling on my behalf?
By default, we introduce ourselves as your personal assistant in phone calls. If you’d prefer us not to, just let us know when submitting a task, and we’ll take note of it.
Does my VA work on weekends?
The work schedule varies from one virtual assistant to another. On days your virtual personal assistant is unavailable, you can submit tasks to the task pool for the next available online assistant to handle them, or you can wait for your dedicated virtual assistant to return.
Will my VA keep my passwords safe?
Yes, we accept passwords securely shared using Just contact us when you’re ready to share them, and we’ll provide you with the necessary info.
Can my VA work over the holiday breaks?
If you would like your VA to work over the holiday break then have a conversation with your project coordinator and the mater will be discussed with the VA. If the VA can work then their time is calculated with an 25% loading fee per hour. So for example – if a VA has worked 1 hour on a task then this is recorded as 1hr and 15 minutes for the task.
What is the type of administration work that my VA can do?
Administration work is defined as something you would reasonably expect any Virtual Personal Assistant to be able to do. For instance, a VPA could update the text on your website but they wouldn’t be able to create custom graphics or complete coding changes.
Is there a length of time that I have to commit to when hiring?
Cancellation is possible anytime. Cancellation must be made in writing to the business, ezecommerce. Unused hours are refunded.
Do you charge GST?
GST is applicable to all of the above rates.
Do you require payment before my VA starts work?
Packages are to be paid prior to any work commencing and the package’s hours are either used within the month or rolled over to the next month. All packages are on an agreed monthly direct debit.
Can my VA make purchases for me?
Yes, you can securely share your credit card details using, with your dedicated virtual assistant or the login information for sites with one-click purchasing, like Amazon.
What happens if I use up my allotted VA hours?
You will be notified by your VA if you are about to go over your hours. If you wish for more hours, you can just ask the VA to let our Accounts department renew your account with a new package. For example if your original renewal date is on the 10th of each month and you already went over the hours by the 1st of the month, you can just ask the VA to renew your account on the 1st and your next month’s billing cycle starts from the 1st. Hours will be rolled over.
What happens if the VA incurs hard costs?
Any hard costs incurred in order to fulfil your requested tasks will be added onto your invoice. Your VA will make you aware at any time hard costs will occur if they are to proceed with your requests.