Frequently asked questions

How soon can I see my website live?
Normally, we promise a 14-day turnaround of the website provided that all assets are completely provided upon the onboarding process. There might be delays due to different factors such as incomplete assets and others that we are not in control of (hosting downtime, bandwidth problems, etc.)
Do I have to write all the content in my website?
We suggest that you provide the content for your website. You know your company more than anyone else. Moreover, you will be asked for the content during the onboarding process.

However, we do have a Copywriting service available for you to hire. You will need to provide information about your company so our writers have a direction when writing. Contact us to know more about how you can avail of this service.

What is the best website template for my business?

EZE offers three different templated website packages that cater for different business goals. A templated website is perfect if you’re happy with the design as it looks and just want to build in your logo, colours, images and text.

The Basic package is perfect for tradesmen services like plumbers, electricians, and home improvement businesses. You’ll get a simple brochure website that showcases your services and a contact form that will make it easy for people to reach out to you. Moreover, you’ll get a digital business card and a basic lead generation set up to collect and nurture your customers.

The Standard package is for professionals that offer more complicated services such as accounting, legal, medical, and consultancy. You’ll get a multi-page website along with everything that comes with the Basic package. In addition, you’ll have an appointment and booking functionality set up within the website so you can manage your appointments without having to receive a lot of calls all the time. Your website will also come with a blog section so you have a channel to educate and update your clients with anything related to your business.

The eCommerce package is for those businesses that have an inventory and sell and do transactions online. You’ll get everything from the Standard package plus a full e-commerce set-up with a product catalogue, payment setup, and shipping and pick-up integration.

For a full comparison of our packages, please visit the pricing page.

Can I add my own content after the site is live?

Yes. You will be given full administrative access to your website and you will have full control of it including the content in all your pages and post. When your website is handed over, you will be given documentation that will guide you through managing your website.

When something goes wrong with my site, who do I call?

You can contact us via the contact us page and specify your website concerns or issues for us to be able to properly address them. It will likely involve us needing to inspect the website, troubleshoot and discover what needs further investigation or we will come back to you with a solution.

Please note that there will be a quote estimate given on the work prior to us providing the solution. A signed agreement to proceed will be needed before we commence any website maintenance or updates work.

We usually recommend our $660 website upkeep package, which allows us to provide ongoing monitoring and updates of your site for twelve months. Nine times out of ten, problems arise with websites that are not being properly updated by the customer. The package works out to be better value than if you were to approach us for adhoc website maintenance.

Is there a Web Maintenance Package to ensure my site is always updated and links and images are showing?

We do have a package to make maintaining your website a lot easier. Our EZE Upkeep package is a service that keeps your website monitored and updated to ensure any website upkeep tasks are responded to monthly over a 12 month period. This will keep your website looking tidy and functioning as intended.

The EZE Upkeep package includes website backups, updating CMS along with web themes, when necessary, and plugins when necessary. Executing audits of every page to ensure links, images, hover responses, forms and buttons are functioning as intended. To avail of this package, please contact us here.

For more information or to book an initial complimentary consultation