Four Reasons why personal trainers need a website
Personal trainers need a website to be discovered easily by people out and about using their phones to search for fitness options. It seems a daily walk around the neighbourhood has never been as popular as it is nowadays in these strange covid-times. It’s a common sight to see walkers using their phones to explore what fitness options are available to them.
Suddenly doggos and their owners are making the loop around the block two, maybe three times a day! There has never been a better time to get important fitness classes and content online and into the homes of Aussies. If you haven’t got one already, here are four key reasons why personal trainers need their own website:
Present Your Brand
If you’re a PT, often your name IS your brand! After all, these are your exercise plans,
your meal plans, and your hard-earned tips of trade that are helping people on their
fitness journey! Presenting your personal brand to your target audience is vital for the
success of your online business. Your brand presents the values and important features
of your business to your clients and can be best showcased through a website. So go
ahead and tell the world about your wizz-bang, ab-producing workouts!
Scale Up The Business
Creating a website will help grow your business in the fitness industry and gain the
opportunity to diversify how your clients engage with your content. You could put
together a membership site, where people can create an account to access exclusive
content, videos and materials from you. These memberships could be set up with
recurring fees – just like a gym! You could also offer a one-time pass for people who are
trying out the site. All payments can be processed through your website. You can offer
referral programs, online sales – sky’s the limit!
Accept Online Appointments
The world has never been as uncertain as it is now… It seems the minute you wrap your
head around all the restrictions, they change the very next day! With these varying
guidelines on interaction within the community, make your appointments online and
accessible through a website. Log and stay up to date with all your clients’ progress.
Clients can be joining you daily right from their living room! This can all be easily
achieved by adding the right forms to your website. Now there’s no reason to miss a
Share Your Expertise
A great website gives you a platform to share your thoughts and comments on any topic related to your business and industry. You can add links to your blogs and articles on your social media pages, directing even more traffic to your business. The content created on your website will showcase your rich background and experience in the fitness industry which helps to build greater confidence in your future clients. It helps to know that all your valuable content, articles, videos and comments are stored in the one place – certainly makes it easier when you need to edit or update something! And better yet, sharing the content from your website to your social media platforms and email campaigns is a breeze and helps get the word out about your business faster, and to more people.